- Aquaman (Series 1)
- Batman (Series 1)
- Brainiac (Series 1)
- Clark Kent (Series 2 Mail-In Offer)
- Cyborg (Series 3)
- Cyclotron (Series 3)
- Darkseid (Series 2)
- DeSaad (Series 2)
- Dr. Fate (Series 2)
- Firestorm (Series 2)
- Flash (Series 1)
- Golden Pharaoh (Series 3)
- Green Arrow (Series 2)
- Green Lantern (Series 1)
- Hawkman (Series 1)
- Joker (Series 1)
- Kalibak (Series 2)
- Lex Luthor (Series 1)
- Mantis (Series 2)
- Martian Manhunter (Series 2)
- Mr Freeze (Series 3)
- Mr Miracle (Series 3)
- Orion (Series 3)
- Parademon (Series 2)
- Penguin (Series 1)
- Plastic Man (Series 3)
- Red Tornado (Series 2)
- Robin (Series 1)
- Samurai (Series 3)
- Shazam (Series 3)
- Steppenwolf (Series 2)
- Superman (Series 1)
- Tyr (Series 3)
- Wonder Woman (Series 1)
Aquaman (Series 1)
Batman (Series 1)
Batman First Shot head Features: Grey Color Collection of: Rasoul |
Batman First Shot Head Features: Pink Color Collection of: Steve N |
Brainiac (Series 1)
Brainiac First Shot Brain Cover Features: Marked number “1” Collection of: Steve N |
Clark Kent (Series 2 Mail-In Offer)
Cyborg (Series 3)
Cyborg First Shot Features: No date stamp on leg, brown parts appear hand painted but unconfirmed. Collection of: Rasoul |
Cyclotron (Series 3)
Darkseid (Series 2)
Darkseid Features: Non-production color face Collection of: Rasoul |
Darkseid First Shot Head and Pendant Collection of: Steve N |
DeSaad (Series 2)
Dr. Fate (Series 2)
Firestorm (Series 2)
Flash (Series 1)
Flash First Shot Head Collection of: Steve N |
Flash Engineering Pilot Features: Partially painted, notes written on chest in ink, “EP 7/23/84” “HK Legs” Collection of: Rasoul |
Golden Pharaoh (Series 3)
Green Arrow (Series 2)
Green Arrow First Shot Features: Non-production Colors Collection of: Steve N |
Green Lantern (Series 1)
Hawkman (Series 1)
Hawkman First Shot Features: Non-production colors, working power mechanism Collection of: Steve N |
Joker (Series 1)
Joker First Shot Head Collection of: Rasoul |
Joker First Shot Heads Collection of: Steve N |
Joker First Shot Features: He has a non-production tab on his head and no power action. He’s heavier than a production Joker, has footholes and no coo/date stamp. Collection of: Daniel Kuzila |
Kalibak (Series 2)
Lex Luthor (Series 1)
Lex Luthor First Shot Features: Pink is a lighter color than production. Collection of: Rasoul |
Lex Luthor Armor Hardcopy Collection of: Steve N |
Lex Luthor First Shot head Collection of: Rasoul |
Mantis (Series 2)
Martian Manhunter (Series 2)
Mr Freeze (Series 3)
Mr Freeze First Shot Features: No date stamp on leg Collection of: Rasoul |
Mr Miracle (Series 3)
Orion (Series 3)
Parademon (Series 2)
Parademon First Shot Head Collection of: Rasoul |
Penguin (Series 1)
Plastic Man (Series 3)
Red Tornado (Series 2)
Robin (Series 1)
Robin First Shot Head Collection of: Rasoul |
Samurai (Series 3)
Shazam (Series 3)
Shazam First Shot Head Features: Non-production white color Collection of: Steve N |
Steppenwolf (Series 2)
Superman (Series 1)
Superman First Shot Head Collection of: Rasoul |
Superman First Shot Features: No date stamps, unstitched cape, red/white arm pegs. Collection of: Rasoul |
Tyr (Series 3)
Wonder Woman (Series 1)
Wonder Woman First Shot Head Features: Early first shot prior to hair added to the sculpt at the figure’s shoulders.. Collection of: Steve N |
Unreleased & Possible Series 4