Green Lantern: The Emerald Gladiator
Series: 1 (1984)
Powers: Power ring that can create, temporarily, any object he desires with his willpower. The ring is also used as an offensive weapon. The ring protects him from mortal harm as well: he cannot be killed. The ring enables him to fly and survive in space, or even at the bottom of the ocean.
Weaknesses: The ring is powerless against the color yellow. The ring must be recharged every 24 hours at his power battery.
Enemies: Sinestro, Black Hand, Sonar, Hector Hammond, Dr. Polaris, Myrwhydden, Evil Star, Star Sapphire, the Weaponers of Qward, Goldface.
Secret Identity: Hal Jordan
Power Action: Ring Thrust
Loose Figure Photos:
Cardback Variations:
Factory Errors:
PlayFul “Super Amigos” Error: Joker Miscard |