Colombia (Gulliver)


The company Gulliver based out of Colombia released 7 very curious versions of Super Powers figures.  Unlike most countries that tried to stick to the US models, they had completely different sculpts, lacked knee articulation, and had plastic capes instead of cloth.  The back of the cards featured all 7 figures released by Gulliver, except for El Capitan Rayo (aka Captain Ray) which showed the original 7 Super Powers figures plus the Captain.  Since the cardback matches the style of the other Super Powers figures in every other way (and includes the other 7) then I’m including him in this list, even though his inclusion is a stretch.  Some people consider him to be “bootleg” since he appears to be made up for this line.  While his background remains a bit of a mystery, he does have a nemisis, the Snowman, which is worth mentioning for documentation purposes but will not be included in the list below.

Since poor quality control yielded some pretty neat errors, I’m including an error gallery at the bottom of the page.


Aquaman aquaman_gulliveraquaman_gulliver_back
Batman batman_gulliverbatman_gulliver_back
El Capitan Rayo elcapitanrayo_gulliverelcapitanrayo_gulliver_back
Flash flash_gulliver_flash_gulliver_back
Green Lantern greenlantern_gulliver_greenlantern_gulliver_back
Robin robin_gulliver_robin_gulliver_back
Superman superman_gulliver_superman_gulliver_back
Wonder Woman  wonderwoman_gulliver_wonderwoman_gulliver_back



Gallery of Errors:

Batman Cardback
Superman Cardback
Wonder Woman Cardback