Between 1987 and 1989 (after the line was cancelled in the US) the 2 companies Pacipa and PlayFul released figures in Argentina under the branding “Super Amigos”. While both companies made several of the characters, not all characters were made by both companies. Super Amigos are notorious for their numerous quality control induced variations and errors, including poor paint application, poor bubble placement, factory staples or glue holding on bubbles, and even putting the figure on the wrong cardback.
When determining which company produced a given loose Super Amigos figure, the easiest way to tell them apart is by looking at the heads. Pacipa molded the heads out of flesh colored plastic and did not paint them, where PlayFul painted the heads flesh color. The result is the PlayFul heads usually look much nicer and much more defined, however the Pacipa heads look almost translucent.
Pacipa Amigos: Aquaman, Brainiac, Cyborg, Darkseid, Flash, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Lex Luthor, Penguin, Plastic Man, Riddler, Robin, Superman
PlayFul Amigos: Aquaman, Batman, Brainiac, Flash, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Hawkman, Joker, Lex Luthor, Penguin, Plastic Man, Riddler, Robin, Shazam, Superman, Wonder Woman
Pacipa Aquaman |
PlayFul Aquaman |
PlayFul Batman |
PlayFul Batman
Error: Unpainted Eyes |
PlayFul Batman
Error: Joker miscard |
Pacipa Brainiac |
PlayFul Brainiac |
Pacipa Cyborg |
Pacipa Cyborg
Error: Bubble misplacement |
Pacipa Darkseid |
Pacipa Flash |
PlayFul Flash |
Pacipa Green Arrow (Flecha Verde) |
PlayFul Green Arrow (Flecha Verde)
Variation: 2 arrows |
PlayFul Green Arrow (Flecha Verde)
Variation: Wider bubble (inner tray) 5 arrows |
Pacipa Green Lantern (Linterna Verde) |
PlayFul Green Lantern (Linterna Verde) |
PlayFul Green Lantern
Variation: Joker miscard |
PlayFul Hawkman (Hombre Halcon) |
PlayFul Joker (El Guason) |
PlayFul Joker (El Guason)
Error: Unpainted white face |
PlayFul Joker
Error: Hawkman miscard |
Pacipa Lex Luthor |
PlayFul Lex Luthor |
PlayFul Lex Luthor
Error: Wonder Woman miscard |
Pacipa Penguin (El Pinguino) |
PlayFul Penguin (El Pinguino) |
Pacipa Plastic Man (Hombre de Goma) |
PlayFul Plastic Man (Hombre de Goma) |
PlayFul Plastic Man (Hombre de Goma)
Error: Joker miscard |
Pacipa Riddler (El Acertijo) |
PlayFul Riddler (El Acertijo)
Variation: Sheet of riddles included |
PlayFul Riddler (El Acertijo)
Error: Green Lantern miscard |
PlayFul Riddler (El Acertijo)
Error: Joker miscard |
PlayFul Riddler (El Acertijo)
Error: Shazam miscard |
Pacipa Robin |
Pacipa Robin
Error: Black Batman cape |
PlayFul Robin |
Photo needed |
PlayFul Robin
Error: Joker miscard |
PlayFul Shazam |
Pacipa Superman |
PlayFul Superman |
Photo Needed |
PlayFul Wonder Woman (La Mujer Maravilla) |